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How will this tool help?

Taking a solution to scale can be a lengthy, expensive process, and so it’s important to make sure that you’re prepared for the journey to ensure you don’t waste time and resources.

The scale readiness diagnostic allows you to assess what stands between where you are now and scaling successfully. It considers:

1. How ready your solution is to be taken to scale

2. How ready your organisation is to lead that process

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is an important first step in understanding your starting point and where you’re at on the scale readiness journey.

The diagnostic results will serve as your starting point, helping you identify areas to focus on as you prepare to scale.

Determining scale readiness


Step 1


Try to be as honest and accurate as you can. It may be helpful to have different team members and stakeholders complete the assessment to capture different perspectives.


Step 2

Your answers will be emailed to you. Review your answers and think about where your strengths are, and where further work is required.



Step 3

Take the areas you identified as requiring the most work and identify those that you must sort out as a priority to get your scale plans off the ground.

What you choose to prioritise will depend on your particular circumstances. However, you may want to consider:

  • What are the contingencies? Does the success of anything depend on something having already been completed?
  • What elements will come together as you develop your scaling plans, and what needs to be in place beforehand?
  • Achieving buy-in from your team is a vital prerequisite before you can successfully scale

Keep in mind:

Remember that a lower priority element does not mean that it should be ignored entirely. All elements of the Scale Readiness Diagnostic test should be strengthened before scaling can occur successfully.

Step 4

You should now have a sense of what areas you need to address before you can scale, and which of these you should prioritise.


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