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How will this tool help me?

Any hypothesis is full of assumptions! This tool helps name assumptions within your hypothesised solution to achieve your intended impact, and then design Lean tests to validate or invalidate those assumptions.

Before you proceed

Before completing this tool, you will need to craft a hypothesis for achieving impact through the Storyboard, Critical Rates & Rough Costs Calculator tools.

Let’s start working on the Learning Roadmap tab.


To work on the tool worksheet, follow these steps:

  • Make a copy to your own Google Drive folder: Click file > Make a copy > Entire presentation > Select your personal drive folder, OR
  • Download a copy to your desktop: Click file > Download > Microsoft Excel (or other file type)

Step 1

Pull up your Storyboard and Critical Rates & Rough Costs Calculator. Think about what feels risky or unknown in this storyboard (hint: it might all feel risky at this point!).


Step 2

For each step that feels risky or unknown, list out the step of the storyboard and the critical rate in columns C and D. Now think about a quick test you could run to validate or invalidate that assumption.

Example: Perhaps in your storyboard, you have assumed that you can reach 50% of all youth in a region through social media. One quick test to validate this might be a social media ad test to see if you can actually achieve a 50% view or click rate. Write a summary of this test in column F and give it a team lead and a due date. As you start running tests, you can record the status and result in columns H and I.


Step 3

For each test in your learning roadmap, make a copy of the Test Design template and label it with the test name.


Step 4

In the Plan section, go through each question in the template and plan your test in detail. Assign tasks to implement the test and collect data in the Action Plan section.

In cell D11, we usually recommend learning from at least 5 people.

Step 5

As you run your test, capture your data in the Collect Data section.


Step 6

Finally, make sure you make time to Respond to your data. Summarise the data qualitatively and quantitatively.

Example: “3 of 5 people clicked the sign-up link” or “2 or 5 people thought the programme was too expensive.” Try to include rates that link back to the Critical Rate that you were trying to validate., and record your team’s decision about whether you will iterate, pivot, or scale up this solution.


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