Critical Rates & Rough Costs Calculator
A calculator to help you have the greatest potential of creating impact at scale
A storyboard is a rough draft idea that maps one way you might achieve your intended impact at scale. It’s like an outline for an essay. It doesn’t show all the details, but it shows enough information to understand the basic components of your scale strategy, communicate that strategy to others, and identify some of the risky assumptions that need to be tested. Doing this exercise will help you get your thoughts out of your head and onto “paper” (or digital screen).
Feel free to use the digital template or even get pen and paper and draw your storyboard by hand!
This storyboard directly builds upon the Problem Definition and Intended Impact tools. You may also want to complete the Scale Pathways exercise first to ensure that you are thinking broadly about different ways to achieve impact at scale.
To work on the tool worksheet, follow these steps: