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How will this tool help?

By now, you should have a good sense of who you want to work with on your journey to scale and what your expectations of each partner you work with will be (if not, please use the Partner Profile and Roles and Responsibilities tools to help you to guide your thinking). 

The question left to answer is how will you ensure those partners have the skills and knowledge they need to deliver on those roles and responsibilities from the outset and on an ongoing basis? A support package comprises the training, resources, systems and tools you provide partners to help them deliver impact as part of your scaling model. It is the primary way that quality delivery of a solution is guaranteed and can also convince partners of the *value of your offering.

*Please see the Value Proposition tool for more information. 

This tool will help you to identify your partners’ needs and develop a support package to equip them with the correct skills and knowledge. 


To work on the tool worksheet, follow these steps:

Make a copy to your own Google Drive folder:
Click file > Make a copy > Entire presentation > Select your personal drive folder,


Download a copy to your desktop:
Click file > Download > Microsoft Word (or other file type)


Step 1

Review/develop your roles and responsibilities

If you have not yet used the Roles and Responsibilities tool, use it to build an idea of the Roles and Responsibilities you expect your partners to fulfil. You may also find using the Partner Profile tool before this activity helpful to get a sense of your partners’ starting points.

Once you have a list of proposed Roles and Responsibilities, ask yourself:

  • How onerous are the demands that you are making of your partner(s)?
  • What skills and qualities do your proposed partners possess already? What will you need to help them to develop?
  • How much support will they require to fulfil these Roles and Responsibilities?

Step 2

Hypothesise a Support Package

Using the worksheet for each potential partner, outline the likely support package. 

Remember to consider both what support will be needed initially (to set the partner up) and what support they will need on an ongoing basis. 

The elements you may want to include could be:

Top tip:

Consider the scale pathway that you have chosen when developing a realistic support package. For example, your ability to provide ongoing support to an implementing partner may be limited if you have chosen an open-source pathway.

Step 3

Critically evaluate your support package

Using the worksheet, consider the proposed support packages as a whole, and note your thoughts on the following topics:


Step 4

Test your supporting package

Continue by testing these support packages in practice to assess their value, sustainability, and impact.



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