Scaling up primary healthcare in LMIC

Produced by Rapid Routes to Scale, January 2015

Rapid Routes to Scale is a unique group of stakeholders from the academic, social and private sectors, committed to improving the health of poorer populations by understanding how to scale primary healthcare, and in turn acting upon these findings.

These stakeholders include: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Center for Health Market Innovations, Spring Impact, GlaxoSmithKline, International Partnership for Innovative Healthcare Delivery, Merck & Co, Merck Serono, Novo Nordisk, T-HOPE University of Toronto.

Rapid Routes to Scale collaborated to produce the Scaling up primary healthcare in low & middle income countries report with the aim of understanding how primary healthcare delivery can be scaled up in the developing world. This research uncovers a range of primary care programs, identifies what works and what does not work when scaling up, and recommends programmes that have the potential to improve millions of lives.


*In 2017 The International Centre for Social Franchising (ICSF) became Spring Impact. This report was created under our old branding and name.

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