Training Programme

Lean Impact for Scale (United States)

Fully-subsidised scale training for mission-driven organisations working to reduce the gender pay, wealth and unpaid care gap in the United States – who want to define, test, and improve their scale strategies. Applications now open.

Training Programme

Lean Impact for Scale (South Africa)

Fully-funded training for NGOs working within the Early Childhood Development sector in South Africa who want to define, test, and improve their scale strategies. Applications closed. 


Getting Scale Ready

A 5-week, online practical training programme designed to help you overcome the most common barriers to scale and kick-start your organisation’s journey to achieving greater impact. You’ll join a cohort of ambitious social leaders, and learn how to build the foundation you need to prepare for long-term scale, invest in the right success factors, and take the first steps towards getting scale ready.


Training programme

Leaders of Scale

A 6-month programme designed to equip two members of your leadership team with the skills and confidence to lead your organisation on a pathway to reaching more people. Using a ‘Train the Trainer’ approach, the programme will put you in the driving seat of your organisation’s scaling journey.

It exceeded my expectations 1 million percent. It really exceeded them. The learning was phenomenal – it was far more structured and led than I had anticipated or in a way that I had never encountered.

Leaders of Scale participant 2021
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