Complaints Procedure

Spring Impact aims to provide high-quality services but there may be times when we don’t always achieve this.  If you are unhappy about the level of services received your feedback can help us improve.

If you are not happy about the level of service received, it is usually best to let the person who is providing the service know, either by email, letter or in person.  If you don’t know who to contact you can use our contact form or write to us at:

The Complaints Co-ordinator

Spring Impact

Working From_Southwark

32 Blackfriars Rd



The Complaints Co-ordinator will log the complaint and make sure that it is assigned to the most appropriate person. You will be sent an email confirming that the complaint has been received and telling you the complaint number and the name of the person who is dealing with your complaint.

We will do everything we can to put things right and will review and improve our procedures where necessary.

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