Funders partner with us to:

  • Provide 1-1 direct technical support for ambitious teams in their portfolio, arming them with a systematic process, skills and mindsets needed to turn ambitions into action
  • Develop scale programmes for cohorts of organisations within a portfolio, sector or geography to dramatically accelerate their scaling journey
  • Develop a scalability assessment framework and identify grantees with high-potential for scale
  • Gain external or internal research which provide clear recommendations for how impact can be scaled up

Our impact

LavaMaeX is an organisation on a mission to change the way the world sees and serves people experiencing homelessness.

They've partnered with us to develop a scaling strategy and the processes and tools necessary to respond to the need for their solution locally and globally.

Watch the video below to learn about their journey to greater impact.

Featured Funder Partnerships

The National Lottery Community Fund 

We’ve partnered with the National Community Fund, the largest funder in the UK, to develop Scale Accelerator, our flagship programme supporting mission-driven organisations within the UK.

The partnership involves:

  • Selecting the most ambitious and scalable interventions from across the UK sector to receive fully-funded support from TNLCF
  • Providing direct consultancy to over 40 organisations across a 4 year timeframe, accompanied by a rigorous external evaluation
  • Bringing cohorts of organisations and leaders together to support one another as they scale
  • Enabling the wider sector, including trusts and foundations, to learn from TNLCF’s ambitious approach to growing great ideas 

Oak Foundation 

We’ve partnered with Oak Foundation’s Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Fund to develop the foundation’s capabilities to enable scale up in their sector and to work directly with two of their grantees, providing technical support throughout their scale journey.

  • Support selecting organisations within the Child Sexual Abuse Fund with the highest potential to scale
  • Provide direct support to two organisations throughout their journey to scale, from assessing scale readiness to the development of a strategy, designing a scale model and systemising and piloting this model
  • Gather and share insights on how to support the scale up of preventative child sexual abuse interventions
  • Provide Oak Foundation staff and selected grantees with scale training

Sport England

We’ve partnered with Sport England to scale the impact of inclusive volunteering programmes across England. Spanning over 3 years, the Scaling Programme supports 5 selected organisations chosen for their potential to scale their success.

The partnership involves:

  • Investment of £200,000 into each organisation by Sport England, with the aim of supporting the participants to turn their scaling plans and strategies into reality
  • Providing cohort support and peer-learning opportunities to help the participant organisations learn from each other
  • Supporting Sport England’s Volunteering Team to learn more about how they could enable organisations scale their impact
  • Sharing insights with the wider sector on the skills and mindsets needed for organisations to scale, and for funders to create a more supportive environment

“Our exciting new partnership with Spring Impact will support these projects to increase their reach and impact so that many other volunteers and communities can benefit from sport and physical activity across England.” Kristen Natale, Head of Volunteering at Sport England 

Partner with us

Whether you’re just starting to think about scale and would like a thought partner, or you’re looking to radically transform how your foundation enables the scale up of impact - we’d love to speak to you. 

Impact stories

Find out how we've helped misson-driven organisations and funders turn their ambition for social change at scale into reality.

Funder partners

Funder partnerships
A private charitable foundation that awards grants to progressive causes. For 50 years, they have and continue to support efforts to advance education, the health and economic well-being of women, preserve the environment, improve lives in developing countries and more.
Funder partnerships

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation work with partner organisations worldwide to tackle critical problems in specialised areas. It is part of Rapid Routes to Scale; a unique group of stakeholders from the academic, social and private sectors, committed to ensuring people in low and middle income countries have better health by understanding how primary care can be scaled and acting upon it.

Members include Spring ImpactThe Center for Health Market InnovationsGlaxoSmithKlineInnovations in Healthcare (formerly The International Partnership for Innovative Healthcare Delivery), Novo Nordisk, Merck & CoMerck Serono, Save the Children and T-HOPE at The University of Toronto.

Rapid Routes to Scale undertook the first ever global in-depth study to identify healthcare innovations in developing countries that have the potential to be replicated to increase accessibility to affordable medicine. Find out more here.
Funder partnerships
Comic Relief funds and invests in amazing organisations across the UK and the world. Each organisation they fund works to tackle the key issues of our time.
Funder partnerships

The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales promotes practical approaches to long-term change and enables nonprofits to break or prevent the cycle of disadvantage. Through this process, it allows them to focus on those most in need. Lloyds Bank Charitable Foundation supported our first UK Scale Accelerator  programme.

Funder partnerships

The Paul Hamlyn Foundation aims to help people overcome disadvantage and lack of opportunity, so that they can realise their potential and enjoy fulfilling and creative lives. They are especially proactive in improving opportunities and life chances for young people. The Paul Hamlyn Foundation supported our first UK Scale Accelerator programme.

Funder partnerships

Depaul Nightstop is a project run by Depaul UK, a service that matches up homeless young people with volunteers who put them up for the night. For many young people this is a crucial turning point, an emergency service that prevents them from sleeping rough and gives them the space to plan what to do next, with the help of Depaul. We are working with Depaul UK to consider how Nightstop could be scaled internationally.

Funder partnerships

Colombia is a country experiencing rapid economic development. However, pressing social needs remain, including endemic violence and a lack of opportunities for young people. We have been in separate discussions with a number of organisations: Fútbol con Corazon (FCC), Fundación Corona, Fundación Mi Sangre, Fundación Carulla (aeioTU) and Fundacion Mario Santo de Domingo who are at the forefront of tackling these social challenges.

Recognising the potential for collaboration, we proposed helping a group of Colombian-based social organisations replicate by creating a cohort of funders and grantees. We are working with Fundación Corona - a leading Colombian foundation who support a number of social ventures - as part of this cohort.

Funder partnerships

The Skoll Foundation seeks to accelerate entrepreneurial approaches and solutions to the world’s most pressing problems by uniting social entrepreneurs with essential partners in a collaborative pursuit of learning, leverage, and large-scale social change.

At the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship delegates represent nearly 65 countries and participate in a range of interactive events in which they can openly share, collaborate, innovate, and, ultimately, advance social entrepreneurship. We attend each year, have presented at past events and are part of the wider Skoll community.

Funder partnerships

The Monument Trust provides grants to varied and geographically wide projects, including funding of the arts and heritage, health and social care, and criminal justice. The Monument Trust supported our first UK Scale Accelerator programme.

Funder partnerships

The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation is one of the largest independent grant-making organisations in the UK. The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation supported our first UK Scale Accelerator programme.

Funder partnerships

The Tudor Trust is an independent grant-making trust, which supports voluntary and community groups working in any part of the UK. The Tudor Trust supported our first UK Scale Accelerator programme.

Funder partnerships

The City Bridge Trust provides grants to charitable projects working to benefit the inhabitants of Greater London. The City Bridge Trust supported our first UK Scale Accelerator programme.

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