Pregnancy and the first months of a child’s life are crucial and lay the foundations for their future. Becoming a parent can be extra difficult for some parents because of their own circumstances and past experiences, particularly if they don’t get the support they need to prepare for parenthood.
This is where NSPCC’s perinatal education programme, Baby Steps, intervenes, supporting future parents to care for their new baby and reduce stress associated with the arrival of a new baby.
NSPCC needed help to determine how to scale this robust, evidence-based model in order to help more vulnerable expectant parents across the UK. We worked with NSPCC and Kate Billingham, international specialist on prevention of child maltreatment in early life, to deliver a strategy that would enable Baby Steps to scale.
Following our recommendation to pursue a social franchise model NSPCC started to recruit local delivery partners as franchisees in 2015. Baby Steps is now delivered in 7 areas across the UK.