Tag Archive: launch

  1. Spring Impact Launches in the US

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    Our brand launched in the US at the end of November at the Google Community Space in San Francisco.

    Village Enterprise, CEO and President Dianne Calvi. Gave a great speech detailing the organisations work. Village Enterprise is a pioneer in the quest to help rural Africans lift themselves from poverty forever.


  2. Spring Impact Launches in the UK

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    November was an exciting time for us as we launched or new brand and name globally. Our UK launch was held at the Hospital Club in London’s Covent Garden in early November.

    We were delighted to have Michelle Hill, CEO at Talk, Listen, Change a relationships charity that works across Greater Manchester speak at the launch. TLC delivers a range of services that help support safe, healthy, happy relationships.

    The organisation was past Scale Accelerator participant and Michelle spoke about the vital role our Scale Accelerator played in helping TLC think about scale and their impact.

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